The Author

Laszlo J. Solymosi was born in 1940 and he has a very vivid memory even very early in his childhood. This gives him the ability to recite events in a detailed exciting way. The events include wartime front passing thru his home town and the associated excitement and adventures. Soon after the war ended, installation of a communist regime presented new opportunities to learn how to live in a regime he hated and to keep his mouth shut not to get himself and family in trouble with the secret service (AVO). Being just a child it was difficult at times to have fun while the authorities forced them to listen to their propaganda. Being children they were very clever to create playtime without getting in trouble. He tries to make you feel that you are listening to a storyteller and every chapter/patch is almost a story in itself.
Escaping from home at barely 17 forced him to grow up very fast and deal with life’s events keeping in mind the possible consequences of his decisions as it related to his life goals. At that age his life’s purpose was not quite clear yet, as he had no finished education, had to learn a new language in England where he lived for two years. In the spring of 1959, he made the transatlantic voyage to the United States that every immigrant considered the promise land. Here he finally started fulfilling his dreams and travelled a road guided by spiritual influence. It was a long and bumpy road but it was worth the trip.